To the superstitiously inclined, this flock of ravens—pictured battling a snowstorm in Finland—is nothing short of a bad omen, while to others it"s just a bunch of beaks. Likewise, today is just another flip of the calendar to some, while Friday the 13th consigns others to a day of dread—or at least one of relative inactivity to avoid potential mishaps.
Once upon a midafternoon dreary…
Today in History
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Celebrating Panama s independence
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Red squirrel in Cairngorms National Park, Scotland
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Methoni Castle, Messenia, Greece
Badlands National Parks 45th anniversary
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League of Nations, 100 years later
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Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah
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Into the woods
US Coast Guard: Protecting us for 105 years
In the Supertree Grove
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