World Meerkat Day  

World Meerkat Day

Everybody say, "Hakuna Matata." It is World Meerkat Day, a celebration of these adorable creatures known for their instantly recognisable upright position. But don"t be fooled by their names; meerkats are not cats. They"re small carnivores of the mongoose family, native to the deserts and grasslands of southwestern Africa. Meerkats are highly social animals, living in tight-knit groups called mobs, which can consist of up to 30 individuals. These groups are a cooperative effort, with meerkats foraging together, grooming each other, babysitting and taking turns as sentinels to watch for predators. These critters create extensive burrows where they spend the night and retreat to escape the midday heat–meerkats love their afternoon siesta.

© anetapics/Shutterstock

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