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thumbnail Sossusvlei sand dunes, Namib desert, Namibia
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Sossusvlei sand dunes, Namib desert, Namibia © Airpano/Amazing Aerial Agency
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Picture a sea of shifting sand dunes glowing orange in the sunrise, stretching as far as the eye can see. Welcome to the Namib desert, spanning thousands of kilometres across Namibia. Estimated to be 55 million years old, it is believed to be the oldest desert in the world. At the heart of this vast, arid expanse is Sossusvlei, seen in today"s image. A salt and clay pan surrounded by towering dunes, Sossusvlei tells a story of contrasts. Every 10 years or so, an extraordinary event occurs when the Tsauchab River floods the pan, transforming it into a stunning turquoise lake. From the adaptable gemsboks to the ingenious Namib desert beetle that drinks fog droplets that collect on its back, the Namib is brimming with stories of survival and resilience.