Chinstrap penguins  

Chinstrap penguins

Imagine you are in South Sandwich Islands, and you see this cute creature! Chinstrap penguins are easily identifiable birds that inhabit the icy and rocky shores of Antarctica and its surrounding islands. Named for the distinctive thin black line that runs across their chin and under their heads, these medium-sized penguins stand out with their black and white plumage. These social birds are known for their lively and energetic behaviour, both on land and in the water. Agile swimmers, chinstrap penguins use their powerful flippers to navigate the frigid waters in search of their primary diet—small fish, krill, and other marine creatures. Adult chinstraps typically reach a height of about 68 to 76 centimetres and weigh between 3.2 to 5.3 kilograms.

© Jan Vermeer/Minden Pictures

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